Hagley Museum Rugs

Beautiful antique rugs from Hagley Museum in Wilmington, Delaware; posted with permission

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The hooked rugs on display at Eleutherian Mills Residence were all owned by Louise du Pont Crowninshield who was the last du Pont family member to live in the home. Mrs. Crowninshield unfortunately left no receipts that indicate where these rugs were purchased or any personal information regarding why she decided to acquire specific rugs. Nor has the collection undergone any research efforts to determine correct dating and/or any specific maker information.

Floral designs are the most common in the collection. There are however a couple of interesting categories – 5 rugs with eagle designs; 5 with horses, 4 with birds, 3 with cats and 4 with geometric designs. In all, Mrs. Crowninshield’s collection consists of 94 hooked rugs. Twenty-one of which are usually on display at Eleutherian Mills Residence.

Info provided by Debra Hughes, Curator of Collections and Exhibits.

Visit www.hagley.org for more information about the museum.